For the Love of Mason Jars

I love mason jars.

You can find them in many places around my house.

I especially love the old green jars with zinc lids.

They look great sitting on my mom’s old china cabinet.

Or on top of my other cabinet in the dining room

Or how about on the kitchen counter?

They make great decorations and storage containers in the bathroom

Give them a quick coat of paint, tie a piece of burlap twine around them, and you have cute, inexpensive decorations that will work in any room.

And if you need a container to hold antique marbles, a jar is the perfect place.

And of course you can always use them for canning tomato juice.

But I think my favorite way to use mason jars is to display my lovely flowers.

It has been a tough, harsh winter and an even tougher spring.  Summer is now here and the heat is on!!!  The flowers are looking good.  My husband has been involved with farming his entire life.  I have lived in the country since I was a very young child.  We both are very familiar with the stresses, worries, and constant weather-watching that comes with farming.  We will have flowers.  They may be a bit later this year, but they will be worth the wait!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!


One thought on “For the Love of Mason Jars

  1. Pat, it is so good to see your flowers. Lainey and I were talking about them today. She said it has been a rough year so far, but they are looking good now. The ones you posted are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Kathy

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